With over 2,00 brands under one roof the British Shooting Show 2024 is the place to see the latest advancements in shooting equipment and accessories. From 23rd to 25th February 2024 The British Shooting Show will be held at The NEC Birmingham, and provide shooters and enthusiasts the chance to network and connect with industry professionals and retailers.
There will be lots of products and demonstrations at The British Shooting Show 2024. Here are the man 8 sections of the show:
New to The British Shooting Show 2024: Blackout Ranges
This year the new Blackout Night Vision and Thermal ranges are being debuted. This will give you the opportunity to experience cutting-edge night vision and thermal optics, (some of which you have already read about on eGunroom). You will be able to see how the optics perform with thermal targets and scenes shrouded in darkness.

With thousands of new and used shotguns on various retailers racks, the British Shooting Show is the ideal place for you to buy your next shotgun or find out more about the gun you have got your eye on. There will be guns for wildfowlers, clay shooters, gamine shooters and every one in between.

Just like with shotguns there will be an abundance of rifles on display, from rifles for target shooting, to deer stalking, to pest control, you will be sure to find something that interests you.
Optics and Night Vision
Not only is there a Blackout Range for you to try out night vision and thermal optics, but you will also be able to get hands-on with rifle and shotgun optics, binoculars, rangefinders and more.

Affectionately known as ‘Airgun City’, the airgun area is the only place in the UK where all major airgun manufacturers and distributers are present in one place. At the Airgun City you will be able to see everything from rifle to pistols and many different types of accessories.
The NGO Gamekeeping area is always a busy area of the show. Here you will find a wealth of specialist products, services, and accessories for gamekeepers and estate owners. Located close by is the NGO stand where you can get expert advice and discover the latest developments when it comes to pest control, protecting gamebirds and vulnerable species.
Gunmaking Heritage

Gunmakers have been producing firearms for hundreds of years, and whilst new technology like CNC machines has changed the manufacturing landscape, traditional techniques are still used to produce firearms. At the The British Shooting Show 2024 you will be able to talk to traditional craftsmen and find out more about the techniques they use to produce fine guns and rifles.
Tactical Training Area
The Tactical Training Area has been developed to give you a taste of what it is like to stand on the outside of a building knowing that somewhere inside is a hostile or multiple hostile targets. You will be issued with an Airsoft M4 rifle and gas blow back pistol (kindly supplied by NUPROL), and will navigate the area’s corridors engaging with targets under the instruction of ex-SAS and Private Military Contractor Phil “Big Phil” Campion.
The Winchester Collection
On display at The British Shooting Show 2024 is the Winchester Collection. This collection has been described at “the world’s finest collection of Winchester guns” and it is on display for all to see (this is the only annual appearance of this collection). This collection of Winchester lever action rifles, pistols and other firearms has taken over 25 years to put together.
Key Details
Dates: 23rd, 24th, and 25th February 2024,
Opening Times: 9am – 4pm
Venue: The NEC Birmingham, B40 1NT
Parking: Free Car Parking