Myshoots App – The New App to Connect Shooters

The Myshoots app has been designed to connect shoots, clubs, guns, beaters and others. The concept for the app has been conceived by Georgina Bowman to bring together all the key elements of a shoot day, from what it offers to the location to who is going with you and where you will stay.

Georgina, a former shooting clothes sales agent, has currently secured a total of £30,000 in government grants, including a grant from the Staffordshire Business Innovation Centre which has funded a third of the Minimal Viable Product (MVP), a basic app. West London Shooting School are onboard as a pilot of the MVP.

Georgina explained: “I’m very excited to have got this far and my MVP is much more than a basic MVP.  It isn’t in the app stores for many reasons.  Later, I do plan for it to go into the stores but not until its being used as an MVP and adapted to how everyone wants.”

With that in mind, she is inviting shoots, clubs, and ranges to get involved on the ‘freemium’ app which includes a Clubs own profile, invitations to guns and beaters for shoot dates/events, newsletter uploads and more.

For an additional £250 annual subscription licence fee, the shoot or club can upload photos to its profile, along with places of interest. They can also make the shoot date/event public if they wish.

The app has taken some time to get to this stage as Georgina was keen to ensure everything was done correctly.  The latest grant (IP Access) has allowed for a contract to be put in place to allow the “Brands & Businesses” to come onto the Myshoots app and have all the features. 

Georgina added: “Building a tech-start-up business is all about trial and error. Once you have identified a problem that you are passionate about fixing, you need to demonstrate resilience because there are many things to knock you down, but it’s all about showing you can get up and start again.”

Georgina is currently raising investment to allow the app to scale beyond the MVP.  She has secured Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) approval and was selected to pitch in ‘The Bullring (Club)’ on 7th April (contact Myshoots if you would like to see this).

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