PitPat – The Activity Monitor For Dogs

From Apple Watches to Fitbits there is a plethora of tracking wearables that help us humans to measure our daily activity levels, but now with PitPat you can track your gundog’s activity levels too.

Measuring 32mm x 32mm and weighing 16 grams the PitPat sits on your dog’s collar and captures and records all of your dog’s movements 24/7. Every 10 minutes advanced “dogorithms” analyse these movements to determine what activity your dog was doing during that period. This is used to estimate the daily distance covered and calories burnt.

Knowing how far your dog has travelled and how many calories it has burnt (for example during training or on a shoot day) can help you to tailor its diet to ensure that it receives the correct amount of fuel for it to maintain a healthy weight and to not burn out.

The PitPat can store up to 10 days’ worth of activity. This can then be sent via Bluetooth to the free PitPat app for permanent storage, and for you to view and interact with. The app can handle tracking data from more than one dog which is great if you have a pack of working dogs and wish to view metrics on all of them.

No subscription is needed, once you have bought the device and downloaded the free app you are ready to start tracking your dog’s activity levels.


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