ZAN Projectiles – High Quality Air Rifle Projectiles

SGC Trade are proud to announce a new distribution deal for the UK with ZAN Projectiles. As high-power precision air rifles continue to evolve, the need for precise and consistent ammunition is more important than ever. Having consistent ammunition that can match the performance of the latest FX and high-end PCP rifles is a must for any shooter looking to harness their hunting and target shooting capabilities.

Enter ZAN projectiles, a leading innovator in the field of airgun ammunition, spearheaded by Žan Šude, a renowned champion shooter. Žan’s passion for shooting rifles led him to establish ZAN Projectiles. His extensive experience and success in Europe’s most challenging Sniper extreme competitions (Žan finished in first place in 2020 and second in 2021) propelled him to create ammunition that matched the exceptional performance of modern PCP air rifles.

Recognising the need for superior quality and accuracy in bullet design, Žan dedicated himself to crafting and refining ammunition that exceeded his expectations.

Years of meticulous testing and refinement have enabled ZAN to produce high-quality air rifle projectiles that deliver consistent performance downrange. With an impressive range of nearly 50 slug varieties, ranging from .177 to .35 caliber and weighing from 10gr to 125gr, ZAN has become a world leader in Airgun projectiles.

Sportsman Gun Centre is proud to be the sole distributor of ZAN Projectiles in the UK and Northern Ireland. CEO and Founder, Gary Lamburn, expressed his excitement about the partnership, stating, “We are really happy to secure the ZAN brand. These precision swaged projectiles come with no compromise to quality and accuracy.  We are very fortunate and excited to be able to add this great brand to our portfolio.”

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