Good Reads – Silver Ghosts

Silver Ghosts is a new book by Will Shropshire that aims to help with the decline of wild Atlantic salmon numbers.

Whilst eGunroom is primarily a shooting based website a large number of us are also keen fishermen and women, and at heart we are all conservationists. Whether you regularly pick up a rod or not, we can all agree on the need to help conserve wild animals whose numbers are in decline, and the wild Atlantic salmon is definitely in need of help: numbers have fallen by 70% in the last 35 years.

By purchasing a copy of Silver Ghosts you will be providing valuable support to reverse this decline as all proceeds will go to a portfolio of charities including The River Dee Trust and the Salmon & Trout Conservation.

On the subject of the Atlantic Salmon HRH The Prince of Wales has said “This incredibly valuable species is an aquatic canary for wider environmental change. The song that it is singing tells us a great deal about the state of our freshwater and marine environments and the need to behave responsibly to look after our natural resources.”

About Silver Ghosts

Life is confusing for Aberdeen teenager Callum Anderson as he drifts through the lockdown summer of 2020. With exams cancelled and activities restricted, the aimless days and late, drunken nights all merge. When Callum’s behaviour puts the family dog at risk, his mother compels him to do something more productive with his time, forcing him to join a fly-fishing course on the banks of the beautiful river Dee. Callum is soon absorbed by a new passion and finds himself drawn to someone he unexpectedly meets there. Igniting a bond with his grandfather in their pursuit of the king of fish, he discovers how life is connected and how a legacy can live on.

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