GAIM VR Shooting Simulator

The GAIM VR shooting simulator gives hunters and marksmen the ability to practice in an authentic and entertaining way in immersive environments to help develop the mind and muscle memory.

As a subsidiary of Aimpoint (the inventor of red dot sights) the first simulator developed by GAIM was to showcase the performance of an Aimpoint red dot sight in a simulated VR environment. Years were spent in the development phase to ensure the controllers and the environments were correct.

GAIM have hyper-focused on the details that matter, for example they studied the angles and trajectories that will make a clean hit on a boar. They also spent a year creating an anatomically correct wild boar and a couple of weeks on the flowers as the flower colour matters when practicing tracking skills or for sight distraction.

The GAIM Compact starting package contains a GAIM VR Rifle and a software bundle that includes several shooting modules (including wild boar, stag and waterfowl hunting modules, SimPro® analysis module, Sport shooting with IPSC and Time Challenge, and moose and bear beta modules), however you will need to purchase an Oculus Quest 2 VR headset separately.

Once you are set up you can add the following software modules to test and hone your skills with different game and in different environments:

Fallow Deer Grass Meadow

The Grass Meadow presents a challenging hunting environment. In this module you can expect large groups of animals that will test your patience and decision making skills. At full speed its also offers an environment that allows you to perfect your shooting on driven game with a rifle.

Completely new animal models have been developed with natural behaviour characteristics to make this a realistic and relevant practice scenario for any driven hunt.

Wild Boar Hunting Lane

With this module you can experience the fast paced environment of a European Wild Boar Hunt. This scenario will test your shooting skills and train your decision making as there will be sows with piglets, chasing dogs, forbidden shot angles as well as neighbouring shooters.

Wild Boar Hilly Forest

This 360º environment allows you to quietly get into position, take your time identifying the idea target, and focus on your shooting technique before your take the perfect shot. Distance markers can be added to easily determine appropriate lead and groups of mixed animals will test your decision making skills. PSimpro® Clay Pigeon

A clay pigeon ground all to yourself? Now that does sound like heaven. You can pick the clay pigeon traps you want to shoot to test your shooting skills and you get the added benefit of analysing each shot in detail.

SimPro® Hunting Exam

Whilst not specific to the British market this module allows you to practice the entirety or a specific part of the Hunting Exam for Sweden, Denmark, France and Germany.

High Pheasants

The pheasants are plentiful and fly towards you at different heights to test your shooting abilities. This is set up just like a driven shoot with beaters advancing from the front, picker-ups behind and fellow guns on either side of you. Practice your swing and get to know your shooting. You can assess the distance and speed of the birds and really hone your shooting technique.

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